Friday, October 29, 2010

Book Review: Me & Emma by Elizabeth Flock

2 books in 3 days? It doesn't happen often, but it happened this week. I read the book Me & Emma by Elizabeth Flock. It told a story of 2 young sisters, Carrie, 8 and Emma, 6. Their father died a few years ago and their mother has since remarried.
The stepfather physically abuses them with anything within his reach. The mother doesn't pay attention to them and uses her words to hur their spirits.
I was shocked by some of the extent this man takes to these girls. When they try to escape and are found, their stepfarther leashes them to the ground and feeds them dog food! This wasn't a fun read and it reminded me that things like this exist and are out there.
The book was written well and switched between present time and when the father was alive. There was some sexual abuse that was implied, but not confirmed. I tend to enjoy books better when they push the envelope and this one didn't do that for me. The characters were well developed and I was amazed by the young girls' courage and how they dealt with things. The ending shocked me, but when I thought of it, it made sense. No, I won't ruin it, so you may read it.
Overall, probably not a book I would recommend, but it kept me busy while I was under the weather this week.

Let me know what you think!

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